May Validator Set Updates

Node Operator Community

reGOOSE: An Update to Lido DAO GOOSE Goals

In May the DAO voted to adopt Hasu’s published reGOOSE: Updated goals for Lido in the light of MVI and restaking.

Hasu’s proposal to update the GOOSE goals to accommodate new developments in the market feature a few key principles:


Furthermore, Steakhouse proposed and the DAO voted to approve the adoption of the Lido Alliance, a framework for growing an Ethereum-aligned ecosystem around stETH, with a shared mission of decentralizing Ethereum validation. Mellow and Drop teams have already applied to be included into the Alliance initiative.

Read the full blog post to read more about proposals about how the DAO could to adapt new goals.

VaNOM Q1/24

The latest VaNOM (Validator & Node Operator Metrics) report for Lido for Q1 2024 is now available.

Access the full report with comprehensive data here, or read the blog post which breaks down some of the key metrics.


Lido on Ethereum Node Operator (Numic) Security Incident Disclosure

On May 14th, Lido DAO contributors were made aware of a security breach that affected an active Node Operator using the Lido on Ethereum protocol (Numic).

The incident has been resolved and has not resulted in validator operations being affected or any loss of funds (which only could have occurred via a malicious slashing, for example).

As a precautionary measure, keys relating to the Node Operator have been voluntarily exited and cycled back into the protocol.

For more information, please refer to the research forum post.

Request for Proposal | CSM and SDVTM integration

The LEGO committee has reviewed all submissions and has selected the following proposals for CSM integration:

  1. Stereum Integration Proposal
  2. Nethermind Sedge Integration Proposal
  3. Dappnode Integration Proposal

The Simple DVT x Obol integrations made by Dappnode and Stereum are being tested in the Obol testnet #4 and the results of the work done will be shared by partners on the forums.

Community Lifeguard Initiative

Establishing the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) Sub-Committee 

Lido Community Lifeguards have proposed a new framework for the Community lifeguard initiative with the main action points being:

  • Consolidate and fund the Community Lifeguards Initiative (CLI) as a sub-committee of LEGO.
  • Foster community development by creating helpful content and resources, representing community stakers internally and at community activities, and identifying monetary and non-monetary collaboration opportunities. Now with a dedicated community grants fund.
  • 197K USD requested every quarter, paid in stablecoins (DAI / USDT / USDC).
  • Recurring funding by LEGO, with a retroactive payment for April and May.

Read the full proposal on the Lido research forum.

Community Staking Fleet initiative

As a part of Community Staking Fleet initiative, Lido Community Lifeguards are collaborating with local communities to diving in the topic of Ethereum staking:

Stakers guild: Lido Community Staking Event at EthCC

Join Lido contributors in Brussels for a special event showcasing the latest advancements and future possibilities in decentralizing the Lido Node Operator set.

Date: Thursday, July 11

Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT+2

Place: Grand Place, Bruxelles

Tickets: Ask Lido contributors for an invite code😉


Module Updates

Simple DVT Updates

A proposal for the expansion of the Simple DVT Module has been published on the Lido forum and Snapshot vote is underway. If approved, this would:

  1. Allow for the creation of larger Node Operator clusters.
  2. Approve the increase the maximum target share of the Simple DVT module to 4% from the current 0.5%.

Lido x Obol

Mainnet | Status: Active ▶️

  • All 60 Cohort 1 validators (12 clusters with 5 validators) are currently in the initial monitoring period. If successful, a proposal to the DAO to raise key limits & activate Cohort 2 validators is expected together with the onboarding of Obol Cohort 2. Cohort 2 clusters are currently in the process of preparing for mainnet.

Testnet #4 | Status: In progress 🕓

  • Underway with 25 clusters, 150+ net-new Node Operators

Lido x SSV

Mainnet | Status: In progress 🕓

  • Testnet #3 results were published and followed by an LNOSG evaluation and DAO proposal to onboard mainnet Lido x SSV participants.
  • Onboarding of the initial 12 Cohort 1 clusters is currently underway, with mainnet validators expected to be ready for deposits by mid-June.

Testnet #3 | Status: Complete

The full testnet results of the Testnet #3 prepared by the SSV team are here! Catch valuable insights and learn how SSV will aid Lido in becoming more resilient, robust and decentralized.

Testnet #4 | Status: Pending 🕓

Community Staking Module

  • CSM is about to be launched on Holesky this summer!
  • Check out a talk by Dmitry G about CSM at Dappcon in Berlin

CSM Specs

The specifications of the Community Staking Module are in the process of being finalized and currently under security review.


As a part of the preparation for the CSM testnet, Devnet-0 is underway on Holesky, testing the changes made in off-chain tooling (DSM + VEBO + AO) to adjust the Lido protocol for the upcoming CSM testnet launch, and parts of CSM functionality. Devnet-1 will kick of in early June to test the extended functionality of CSM.