June Validator Set Updates

Node Operator Community

Community Lifeguard Initiative

Lido Staking Tribes (LST) - TEST

The Lido Staking Tribes is an initiative where Web3 companies/DAOs continuously provide hardware funding to their employees/contributors to run CSM validators seeded by their own ETH or the ETH of their organizations. It is meant to overcome one of the main barriers for Ethereum validation — ETH capital and hardware required.

Participants of the initiative (individual contributors of Web3 companies/DAOs) get the hardware and/or ETH from Partners (companies/DAOs they are contributing to) to become a Node Operator in CSM.

Reach out to Sam or Isaac to get more details about this initiative.

Community grant for Seed LATAM

Previously approved proposal from Seed LATAM has been completed with the following results:

Educational content created:

  • Ecosystem Introduction
  • Full Node Setup
  • Node Maintenance
  • Ethereum Consensus and Liquid Staking
  • DVT Current Status

Offline event conducted:

  • Attendance: 19 participants (8 teachers, 4 students, 5 community members) with a 100% attendance rate.
  • Positive Feedback: High content quality, interactive sessions, well-structured curriculum.
  • Areas for Improvement: Split sessions to avoid overload and offer online classes for accessibility.
  • Impact: High interest in follow-up sessions, plans for a second training on DVT, and a target of 40 attendees for the next event.

Next Steps: Build an engaged community using collected email addresses and follow-up plans to enhance participation in future events.

Check the full report here.

Community grant for Tané

The LEGO committee together with the Community Lifeguards approved the grant request from Tané that aims at education and empowerment for the APAC community to drive decentralization.

This is meant to be achieved through two main directions of effort:

  • Educational content (podcast series, article series, and detailed guides for setting up nodes using CSM/ Simple DVT)
  • Offline events with the topics of CSM and Simple DVT being discussed with the community in real life

The full proposal is published on the Lido research forum.

Module Updates

Simple DVT Updates

A proposal for the expansion of the Simple DVT Module was published on the Lido forum and approved by the DAO via Snapshot vote. This proposal is to:

  1. Allow for the creation of larger Node Operator clusters.
  2. Approve the increase the maximum target share of the Simple DVT module to 4% from the current 0.5%.

Lido x Obol

Mainnet | Status: Active ▶️

  • All 60 Cohort 1 validators (12 clusters with 5 validators) passed the initial monitoring period
  • Cohort 1 key limits raised from 5 to 20 and fully deposited
  • Cohort 2 DKGs in progress, expecting the first few clusters to have key limits raised

Testnet #4 | Status: In progress ▶️

  • Underway with 25 clusters, 150+ net-new Node Operators
  • Most recent update to v1.0.0 of Charon has solved issues seen to date

Lido x SSV

Mainnet | Status: Active ▶️

  • Limits for first ~ 6 clusters were raised to 5 validators each

Testnet #4 | Status: Pending 🕓

  • Testnet #4 is expected to start in July

Community Staking Module

Lido Community Staking Module introduced the Early Adoption mechanics.

In anticipation of the CSM testnet launch on July 1st, the following resources were assembled:

Staking Router

A new Lido Improvement Proposal (LIP-25) was published, summarizing proposed improvements to the Staking Router, in the form of a v2.0 upgrade which should be made to support permissionless modules (such as Community Staking Module) and improve security and scalability of the existing Staking Router 2

The proposed SR upgrade includes improvements to both on- and off-chain parts of the following components:

  • the Deposit Security Module (DSM),
  • the Validator Exit Bus Oracle (VEBO),
  • the Accounting Oracle,
  • and reward distribution mechanisms in curated-based modules.

Tech details can be found here LIP-25