January Validator Set Updates

Node Operator Community

VaNOM Q4 Report

Explore the recently released Q4 Lido Validator & Node Operator Metrics (VaNOM) report: take a look at the immense progress Node Operators using the Lido protocol have made at advancing infrastructure and geographic decentralization, and especially execution layer diversity.

To learn more about the next steps in decentralization, delve into the public commitments Node Operators have made, outlining plans to reduce majority client utilization in validators they run as a part of the Lido protocol.

Community Lifeguard Initiative: Q4 Report + Q1 Plans

Gain insights into the progress and achievements of the Community Lifeguard Initiative during Q4 2023 and discover what to expect in Q1 2024.

NOCC #14

Listen to the key topics discussed in January’s Lido Node Operator Community Call, including Attestant's new Vouch Beta Features, Eden Network's Mempool Streamer, Simple DVT updates, and the Community Staking Integration RFP.

Module Updates

Simple DVT Updates

January was a huge month for Simple DVT! The Obol testnet concluded, fulfilling the required performance benchmarks to move forward to mainnet. The SSV Network testnet is in full swing, and cluster validator limits are expected to be raised shortly.

As part of the preparation for the potential mainnet deployment, new features were added to:


To learn more about the most recent developments, check out the update post covering the testnets and plans for the potential mainnet deployment. For those who prefer to listen, see the most recent status update from NOCC #14.

Community staking module

Community Staking Alert! Explore two new blog posts related to the upcoming Community Staking Module:

#1: CSM overview

#2: Bonding



Lido Testnet

The Lido Goerli testnet will not be supported after Feb 29th, 2024. Any testers who wish to withdraw their (w)stETH should do so before then. All further testnet activities will happen on Holesky, where the new Lido testnet is already running.

Jump Crypto Oracle replacement

As part of Aragon vote 171, the Lido DAO voted to rotate Jump crypto for ChainLayer in the Accounting Oracle and Validator Exit Bus contracts.

New Operators Widget Enhancements

A new frontend and backend for operators.lido.fi has been deployed! The updated widget now supports multiple modules, providing instant updates and reduced cache delays for users.