New Operator Resources

Open Onboardings

Projects (Public)

To apply, click the link to the application form for the onboarding for which you wish to be considered.


Interested in learning more about the Lido onboarding process?

The guides below discuss relevant information to prospective node operators including ongoing expectations and the nuances of how Lido operates across networks.

Lido on Ethereum

Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) Testing

Starting in 2022, Lido DAO contributors have worked together with the Obol Network and SSV Network teams to trial DVT on the Goerli and Holesky testnets. The recetly passed Simple DVT Module opens up the potential for solo stakers, community stakers, and professional node operators to form clusters of participants that will utilize DVT to run validators using the Lido protocol.

Post merge, Lido conducted two initial pilot programs, successfully demonstrating the ability to use a DVT configuration in the Lido Node Operator Registry on Goerli with both Obol Network and SSV Network. Throughout 2023-2024, the next round of DVT testnets occured culminating in the release of the Simple DVT Module, as well as three different waves of onboarding of over 250 Node Operators to the Lido on Ethereum mainnet (Obol Cohorts 1 and 2, SSV Cohorts 1 and 2, and Super Clusters Wave 1).

Currently, Testnet #4 is live for both Obol and SSV. Read more about Simple DVT here.

Interested in participating in DVT Testing or Permissionless validation with Lido?

Simple DVT Testnets have currently stopped with Testnet #4. Although there are no plans for a following testnet, it’s up to the community and LDO token holder to decide if there will be further ones. That said, if you are a solo staker, community staker, or professional Node Operator interested in testing permissionless validation with Lido (even using DVT) with others on the Lido testnet, check out the Community Staking Module, where you can run DVT on top of CSM.

Community Lifeguards are spearheading new ways to get involved in the Node Operator community around the Lido protocol

Read on to learn about how the Community Lifeguards (CLGs) are working with local communities to bring new stakers to Ethereum, about grants for creation of resources for CSM, and reports detail their efforts to education communities about staking.


Stay up to date on Onboarding Announcements

Check the Operator Onboarding History! Learn about about previous onboardings, such as how many node operators are on the networks Lido supports, and who joined when.

Lido Onboarding Processes

Lido Node Operator Requirements

Although there is no one list of requirements for being a Lido Node Operator (NO), it’s possible that being a Lido NO on certain chains has preconditions, or that certain characteristics of NOs are prioritized when Lido is assessing potential applicants. For specifics on what makes good operator sets possible, including at a per-network level, you can refer to the Operator Set Strategy. In general, good Operators exhibit:


Good Performance

Node Operators should perform well in order to provide stAsset holders competitive returns.


Robustness and Resilience

Node Operators should be operating diversified hardware and software infrastructure and plan for adverse events. Risk management, business continuity planning, and especially proper processes around things like key management are of paramount importance.


Ethos Alignment

Node Operators should be aligned with the ethos and values of the underlying network(s), including by giving back to the greater staking ecosystem and the networks that they operate on.

Lido Operator Set Types

Permissioned / Curated

Lido conducts periodic onboardings facilitated by the Lido Node Operator Subgovernance Group (LNOSG), where potential NOs are invited to apply during an open application process, are evaluated by the LNOSG, and approved for addition to the operator set by the DAO.

This approach is currently used on: Lido on Ethereum, Lido on Solana, Lido on Polygon.

Permissionless (open entry / exit)

Node Operators can join and leave the Lido operator set at any time on their own.

Currently none of the Lido on X protocols use this approach.

Permissionless (algorithmic)

Lido employs an algorithm (could be on/off chain or a mix of both) to filter the list of all active validators on a network based on desired criteria. Stake is then allocated across these validators based on a further set of criteria.

Currently none of the Lido on X protocols use this approach.


A mixed approach using the previously listed types can be employed for sub-sets of the a Lido operator set on a network. For example, 30% could be permissioned / curated, and 40% permissionless (algorithmic), and 30% permissionless (open).

Currently none of the Lido on X protocols use this approach.


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