CSM Testnet Fair Play Guidelines

CSM is at its heart a permissionless module allowing various activities, but testnet ETH abundance can lead to unrealistic scenarios compared to mainnet. The module aims to enable anyone to run validators using Lido on Ethereum. However, due to the CSM's upper share limit and first-come-first-serve queue, operators can potentially "clog" the module, preventing others from participating. While submitting numerous keys may be justified, testnet operators should consider the impact of their actions on other interested parties. To create a better and fairer testing environment, we ask that testnet participants follow these “fair play” rules:

  • When you wish to stop testing, please properly exit your validators. This will ensure that testnet more closely mirrors mainnet and that the protocol is not ridden with “activated offline” validators. If you want to test an ejector or other kind of automated-exit mechanism, ping someone from the CSM contributor workstream and it can be arranged.
  • For Node Operators running a very large number of validators (e.g. 500+), please consider exiting a proportion of your validators to make room for others, especially if you’ve concluded your testing.
  • If you are a Professional Node Operator, we encourage you to report your Node Operator IDs to the community. This will allow transparency into the module (for the benefit of both stakers and the wider staking community).
  • CSM contributors will be monitoring for superfluous validator registration, and consider setting the target limit of operators to a reasonable level (e.g. 500). If the same entity/person is found to spam the testnet on multiple addresses without good reason, the target limit shall be set to 0, and it may constitute a disqualifying action for EA mainnet eligibility.
  • For the proper functioning of the protocol, there is no intent to raise CSM's targetShare to more than 25% for during testnet (currently 15%); so, let’s please make sure we leave room for everyone to play and have fun.
  • EA Eligibility: Only 1 EA spot will be allocated if there is a good performance, per operator/entity/individual. Multiple CSM operators created by the same operator/entity/individual (directly or indirectly) would be treated as a single operator, and contributors will consider testnet behavior when proposing EA eligibility. Attempts to exploit the EA eligibility process through the creation of multiple operator accounts in order to claim multiple spots are not fair play.

Note: the above applies to testnet ONLY; additionally, general Node Operator expectations are described here.